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Well done Willy!!

Manchester City goalkeeper, Willy Caballero, has been improving his English skills with CLT, and his tutor Helen couldn’t be happier with his commitment and progress. She even awarded him with a Grammar Cup in their final lesson of the season!

CLT English tutor Helen awarding with Willy Caballero with his Grammar Cup

As well as general English and communication, Willy’s lessons focused on football related vocabulary and preparation for interviews. Helen said Willy can now competently take part in live interviews with no prior preparation. Well done Willy!!

On reflection at the end of the course, Willy said: “I feel more comfortable, more secure to speak at interviews. I feel I have improved a lot in the past few months. I can do interviews without an interpreter. I can talk, speak with everyone here.”

Watch a post-match interview with Willy here.