The first match is between Russia and Saudi Arabia at the Ekaterinburg Arena which was built in 1953. Here is a FanGuide for all the information you need to know if you are planning on going to Russia. The final will take place on Sunday 15th July at the Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow.
Who are the favourites?

Neymar, Brazil – a class above the rest?
According to FIFA, “whilst there are many potential winners of the tournament, pre-tournament discussions have focussed on 4 main favourites – Germany, Spain, France and Brazil”.
According to Gracenote five time champions Brazil are favourites with 21% chance of winning. England have a 71% chance of reaching the knock-out rounds. If they manage to reach the quarter finals, however, their chances plummet!
So whether you are going out to Russia to support your favourite team or have picked out Russia in the office sweepstake and want to be more Russian (!), here are some helpful phrases from Tripsavvy (there are more listed on their website):
Yes – Да (da)
No – Нет (nyet)
Please – Пожалуйста (poZHAlusta)
Thank you – Спасибо (spaSIbo)
Excuse me. – Извините. (izviNIte)
I don’t understand. – Я не понимаю. (YA ne poniMAyu)
I don’t speak Russian. – Я не говорю по-Русски. (YA ne govoryU po RUSski)
Do you speak English? – Bы говорите по-Английски? (vi govoRIte po angLIYski?)
Hello (formal) – Здравствуйте (ZDRAstvuyte)
Hello (informal) – Привет (priVET)
Good morning. – Доброе утро. (dObroye Utro)
Good afternoon. – Добрый день. (dObriy den’)
Good evening. – Добрый вечер. (dObriy VEcher)
How are you? – Как дела? (kak deLA?)
I’m fine, thank you. – Хорошо, спасибо. (haraSHO, spaSIbo)
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