+44 (0) 203 036 0770 info@languagetraining.com

5 reasons to learn a language in lockdown

For many of us, lockdown has brought unsettled times. Our lives have changed immeasurably and this is likely to continue in some form or another for a long time. Some of us are busy with work, looking after children and shopping and caring for family members. However, there are others who have suddenly found themselves unemployed, furloughed or very quiet at work due to reduced output in many UK industries.
Learn language in lockdown

Learning a language in lockdown is a great idea! If you have always wanted to learn a new language or you could do your job better if you spoke a certain language then now is the time to start. Many of us are learning something new like baking, cooking, sewing or new ways of getting fit. So let’s add language learning to the list! Here at CLT Ltd we have come up with 5 reasons to learn a language in lockdown.

5 reasons why you should learn a language in lockdown:

  1. It gives your day structure and an objective

Scheduling online language training via Skype or Zoom with a native tutor gives you some structure to your day. You will be able to dedicate time for your lessons as well as self-study in between times. In addition, the face-to-face lessons give you social interaction which many of us are missing. Read about more benefits of online language training here. If you don’t want lessons with a tutor then you can use some of the free apps or YouTube videos that around and just dedicate an hour of your day to learning.

  1. Opens up career opportunities

Gives you a new professional skill to use in your current job or in a new one. Having this extra skill will not only open up opportunities but it will also place you above others when being selected for opportunities. Read our article about the 6 Benefits of Personal Development.

  1. Improves mental health and well-being

Studies have shown that learning a new language can increase brain capacity, improve memory and stave off Dementia and Alzheimer’s. Read about this in the Daily Mail article.

  1. You have time to fill

All too often we hear “I’m too busy to commit to learning a language”. In lockdown you may have more time to dedicate to language training which means you can really immerse yourself in it. You can have more frequent lessons with a tutor and plenty of varied self-study.

  1. Sense of achievement

You might have a feeling of being lost at the moment but learning a new language, to whatever level, will give you an enormous sense of achievement and pride. Languages are not easy to pick up and we have to dedicate time and effort to achieve results. However, the hard work and dedication will be completely worth it in the end. Here are 8 tips for learning a new language.

How can CLT Ltd help?

Here at CLT Ltd we specialise in tailored language training for businesses. Our courses are currently being delivered online via Skype, Zoom, MS Teams and WebEx. Through a free consultation we work with you to understand your objectives and design a course to suit your needs. We can include sector-specific and job-specific vocabulary, role plays and many other activities to help you improve specific language skills. Whether you prefer 1-2-1 training or learning in a group with colleagues, we will accommodate your requirements. You decide when and how long you want the training for and we will match you with one of our professional and highly experienced native tutors. What’s more, we offer training in over 20 different languages!

For more information, please contact us today:

Call +44 (0) 203 036 0770

Email info@languagetraining.com