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Doing business in Brazil, things you need to know


There is strong evidence to suggest that many UK businesses are not aware of the size and level of opportunity of doing business in Brazil. According to the Department for International Trade, Brazil is the largest economy in Latin America and is the 7th largest economy in the World (as at Jan 2017). What’s more, 400 out of the world’s 500 biggest companies operate in Brazil.

Learn languages anywhere in the world

Learn language in lockdown

“I’m too busy to commit to learning a language”, I hear you say. Life can be extremely busy especially if your job involves a lot of foreign travel. Thanks to modern technology you can now learn languages anywhere in the world at a time and place convenient to you.

World Cup Fever is here!

World Cup

Thursday the 14th of June sees the beginning of the 21st FIFA World Cup with 32 teams fighting for glory and playing at 12 new and refurbished venues across Russia. All eyes will be glued to the television for the next month while World Cup fever grips us!

Exporting to emerging markets – what are the risks?


Britain is leaving the EU. Whatever the outcome of the Brexit negotiations, business with our traditional partners in Europe will never be quite the same. It provides companies with a strong incentive to explore new emerging markets.

Should UK businesses adopt the Spanish siesta?


According to the recent CIPD “UK Working Lives” survey 55% of workers surveyed claimed that they felt under excessive pressure, exhausted or regularly miserable. Sadly many workers skip lunch, don’t take sufficient breaks and even go into work when they are ill. The reasons for this are usually because workers have too much work to do and feel they cannot take a break or that there are not enough staff to do the amount of work that is expected.

The importance of English lessons for non-UK national workers


The UK Working Lives report by the CIPD was released on 11 April. The CIPD surveyed approximately 6000 workers in the UK across different sectors focussing on 7 key dimensions of “job quality”. The survey results reveal what employers should be focussing on to enhance job quality and improve working lives.

Why language learning is good for business


Planning where to invest training budgets? Having the confidence to speak the language of your colleagues and clients and being able to communicate effectively should be an essential part of your Training Plan.

What is so good about Spring?


Spring officially began in the UK on the 20th March 2018. I love Spring! I love to see flowering daffodils, tulips, crocuses and hyacinths in our gardens, new born lambs springing around the fields and eating my own bodyweight in chocolate over the glutinous Easter weekend. I love the lighter and longer days and the longed-for sunshine and higher temperatures after the long, cold winter. But what is there out there in the wider world to love about Spring?

Easter around the world

Easter is one of the most important festivals in the Christian calendar, celebrated across the world in different ways. In the UK at Easter we commonly celebrate by going to church, having a family roast dinner, joining an Easter egg hunt and eating plenty of chocolate eggs. Have you ever wondered what is happening around the world at Easter?